Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Screwed by LinkShare and FordDirect.Com?

So my secret project has been as an affiliate for FordDirect.Com through LinkShare. They setup a neat tiered compensation structure where you get more per lead once you reach 100, 250,500,600 leads. I spent alot of money on Google and Overture PPC ads as wel as local classified ads to drive traffic to Ford Price Quotes and thus FordDirect.Com. Imagine my horror when at 5:00pm today I receive this e-mail.

{T}Napa Valley Pictures:

Your affiliate account in the LinkShare Network has been terminated pursuant to the terms of LinkShare's Terms and Conditions. Access to your account has been suspended, and all LinkShare links on your site will no longer function effective immediately. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Best regards,
The LinkShare Team

Username: beer234


Oddly this was just after my inquiry about why I received no comission on 7/22/05 when every other day had conversions between 7%-11%

As you can see from the e-mail no information was given. I did e-mail them back but am still waiting to hear.

Lucky for me I had left a voice mail a few days ago inquiring about my missing comission and still had the return phone number for the affiliate rep. I called and left a voice mail and was happy to receive a return call. I was told that my own name had shown up on the list of leads an my LinkShare account was cancelled for fraud. I assured her I did not add my own name as I actually have no interest in Fords and really why would I do that for 4$ when I have over $1000 in advertising and several $$$ in comission at stake. She was nice enough to pass along the inquiry so now i'm in limbo waiting to see if my account at LinkShare is reinstated and if I'll receive the $2400 in comission i'm owed. This is chilling for those affiliate marketers who put thier own money out there for advertising assuming they will be paid if their campaign is successful. The sad thing too is that all my newspaper ads hit today and I had to put adsense on the page just to get some revenue from the traffic from the ads. Wish me luck I'm not sure if LinkShare will be a stand up company or what.